But I had a new tomato to plant, courtesy of my friend S, and it's been waiting on me since last Monday. After Indy's walk, the sun wasn't hitting the garden yet, so I figured I had about half an hour to work before things got unbearable.
The rest of the peppers are now caged:

Last year my pepper plants got really tall and leggy, and then blew over in a mid-summer thunderstorm. I'd like to avoid that this year!
First banana pepper:

The new tomato is planted:

It's either a peace vine cherry tomato or a pineapple tomato, which is described as a "large beefsteak style tomato sometimes weighing up to two pounds." Crazy!
And the cucumber gates are up:

Last year the cucumber plant spread out laterally and took over an entire corner of the garden. I'm hoping I'll be able to convince it to grow up instead of out this year. The gates are from a fence one of my coworkers tore down. Hooray for recycling!
Now, we wait and watch!